Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Position Paper For The 2009 UNA-USA MUN Conference at the U.N.

Committee: International Atomic Energy Agency
Topic: Preventing Nuclear Terrorism
Country: Marshall Islands
Delegate: Reimy Gonzalez, Valerine Andujar

The country of the Marshall Islands believes that Preventing Nuclear terrorism is essential. It’s considered to be the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of radioactive materials. This is a very dangerous issue that can evolve into practically ending and hurting many human lives. Our country has been involved with various countries to try to solve this issue before it advances into greater harms.

There has been nuclear testing in the surrounding areas of our country. We believe that nuclear testing is right to practice as long as it is limited to an enforced extent, but when it comes to the extent that it’s hurting not only our people but the environment as well that we believe is a problem. The United States has been our ally for a long period of time but their nuclear testing on a deserted island close to the Marshall Islands has caused some danger within our country. To an extent it has caused harm. That is why we signed the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The Marshall Islands does not support nuclear terrorism, and currently has border patrol which inspects all suspicious incoming cargo.

On an international level, the Marshall Islands does not provide any form of support to non-State actors. We have not and will not help terrorist groups to; develop, acquire, manufacture, transport, these nuclear/chemical, or biological weapons. The Marshall Island fully supports the comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy that has been outlined by the Secretary-General, and we join the call for all States to comply with the twelve international conventions against terrorism. Due to Section 12 of the Counter Terrorism Act in 2002, the Marshall Islands are allowed to gain control against the development, fabrication, transferring, or ownership of any nuclear weapon or delivery system that is not justified for protective, or peaceful reasons, or other reasons not prohibited by law or the United Nations Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction.

We believe that there need to be a certain database to detect nuclear radiation. We believe that if we set up the Radiation Enforcement Facility (REF) every country that has had non-state actors that have tried to use nuclear weapons the government would be able to detect and enforce upon. The Marshall Island agrees that there need to me much more importance towards Nuclear Testing and on Nuclear Terrorism. We the international communities have to step up and come to a consensus that this is reality and its happening. We need to put all our efforts and combat this international matter.